The harder you work, the luckier you are, the new year brings new breath, everything renews, are you ready?
1. Looking forward to 2023, living with heart, and working hard. 2. The harder you work, the luckier you will
Yoosaad Online Learning Platform
Learn as much as you can and do all you can - Learning as high as the mountains, as wide as the seas - No limits to what one still has to learn - Ars longa, vita brevis!
1. Looking forward to 2023, living with heart, and working hard. 2. The harder you work, the luckier you will
1. The most capable people are often those who keep sending ideas of success even in the most desperate circumstances.
Bakka hojiitti miila dhaabbachuu yoo barbaadde adda ta’uu, cimuu qabda yookaan ni dhabamta, hojii kee jibbita. Namoonni baay’een kun garmalee
Jireenya keessatti; wanti guddaan cimtee waan hojjettu hojjechuu keedha. Yoo ati wanta hojjettuuti cimtee hojjetta ta’e 1ffaa bahuu battu 2ffaan
Waan beeku Qabdu 1. Namni gonkumaa of duuba hin ilaalle jabaa ta’uun dirqama miti, tarii miliqaa jira ta’a; namni gonkumaa