A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun.
ØIt helps to avoid repetition and makes sentences smoother.
Types of Pronoun

#1 Personal Pronoun
It refers to specific people or things.

She is a student.
Isheen barattuudha.
Give the book to him.
Kitaabicha isaaf kenni.
This book is mine.
Kitaabni kun kan kooti.
#2, Possessive adjective Pronoun
These show ownership but are used like adjectives.
Isaan kun abbummaa kan agarsiisan garuu akka maqibsaatti kan itti fayyadamnudha.

This is my book.
Kun Kitaaba kooti.
#3, Reflexive Pronoun
These refer back to the subject of the sentence.
Matima hima sanaa kan ibsanidha.

She hurt herself.
Isheen of miite.
#4, Demonstrative Pronoun
Point to specific people or things.
Wantoota yookiis namoota adda ta’an itti xiyyeeffatu.

This is my book.
Kun Kitaaba kooti.
#5, Interrogative Pronoun
Used to ask questions.
Gaaffii gaafachuuf kan itti tajaajilamnudha.

Who is coming?
Eenyutu dhufaa jira?
#6, Relative Pronoun
Introduce relative clauses, which provide additional information about a noun.
Waa’ee maqaa odeeffannoo dabalataaf kennuuf gargaaru.

The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Dubartiin isheen mana itti aanu jiraattu doktariidha.
#7, Indefinite Pronoun
Refer to people or things in general.
Akka waliigalaatti namoota yookiis wantoota ibsuuf kan gargaaranidha.

Everyone is invited.
Namni hunduu affeeramee jira.
#8, Intensive Pronoun
Emphasize the noun or pronoun. They are the same as reflexive pronouns but are used for emphasis.

I did it myself.
Ofii koon hojjedhe.