Geepha dhuunfaa kee waan argattuuf cichuun hojjedhu!
Jireenya keessatti; wanti guddaan cimtee waan hojjettu hojjechuu keedha. Yoo ati wanta hojjettuuti cimtee hojjetta ta’e 1ffaa bahuu battu 2ffaan
Yoosaad Online Learning Platform
Learn as much as you can and do all you can - Learning as high as the mountains, as wide as the seas - No limits to what one still has to learn - Ars longa, vita brevis!
Jireenya keessatti; wanti guddaan cimtee waan hojjettu hojjechuu keedha. Yoo ati wanta hojjettuuti cimtee hojjetta ta’e 1ffaa bahuu battu 2ffaan