ዓረፍተ ነገር
Himni maali? What is a sentence?
Jechootni waliin caaseeffamanii dhaamsa hiika qabu tokko dabarsan hima jedhamu.
Words that are structured together to convey a meaningful message are called
ትርጉም ያለው መልእክት ለማስተላለፍ በአንድነት የተዋቀሩ ቃላት አረፍተ ነገር ይባላሉ።
- Kutichi qulqulluudha.
- The room is clean.
- ክፍሉ ንፁህ ነዉ።
- Ciree isaa nyaatee jira.
- He has eaten his breakfast.
- ቁርሱን በልቷል።
- Boonaan shubbisaa jira.
- Bona is dancing.
- ቦና እየደነሰ ነዉ።
Himoonni bakka gurguddoo afuritti qoodama. Sentences are divided into four main
categories. ዓረፍተ ነገሮች በአራት ዋና ምድቦች ይከፈላሉ.
- Hima himamsaa
- Statement Sentence
- የመግለጫ ዓረፍተ ነገር
- Hima Gaaffii
- Interrogative Sentence
- የጥያቄ ዓረፍተ ነገር
- Hima Ajaja
- Imperative Sentence
- የትዕዛዝ ዓረፍተ ነገር
- Hima Raajeffannoo
- Exclamatory Sentence
- ገላጭ ዓረፍተ ነገር
Hima himamsaa ~ Statement sentence
Hima himamsaa kan jedhamu hima yaada, ibsa ykn dhugaa nama ibsuudha.
A statement sentence, also known as a declarative sentence, is a sentence that is used to
convey an idea, statement, or fact to the person reading it.
Himni kunis bakka lamatti qoodama.
- Yaada dhugaa kan ibsuu – Affirmative
- Namichi gara gabaa deema.
- The man goes to the market.
- ሰውዬው ወደ ገበያ ይሄዳል።
- Poolisii tokkon karaa irratti arge.
- I saw a police on the road.
- መንገድ ላይ ፖሊስ አየሁ።
- Naqamteen Finfinnee irraa kiiloo meetirii 300 caalaa fagaata.
- Nekemte is more than 300 km away from Finfine.
- ነቀምት ከፊንፊኔ ከ300 ኪሎ ሜትር በላይ ይርቃል።
- Namichi gara gabaa deema.
- Yaada fugguu – Negative
- Jemaal mana gurgurtaa dhugaatti dhaqee hin beeku.
- Jemal never went to the grocery store.
- ጀማል ወደ ግሮሰሪ ሄዶ አያውቅም።
- Phaawuloos kaleessa naaf hin bilbille.
- Paul did not call me yesterday.
- ጳውሎስ ትናንት አልጠራኝም።
- Jemaal mana gurgurtaa dhugaatti dhaqee hin beeku.
Hima Gaaffii – Interrogative Sentence
Hima gaaffii jechuun hima gaaffii gaafatudha. Himoonni gaaffiifi
deebii kallattiinis ta’e al-kallattiin ta’uu danda’u, maqaa bakka bu’aatiin ykn maqaa
malee jalqabuu ni danda’u, akkasumas gaaffii eeyyee/lakki, gaaffilee filannoo, ykn
gaaffilee mallattoo agarsiisuu danda’u. Himoonni gaaffii yeroo baay’ee maqaa gaafiitiin
jalqabanii mallattoo gaaffiitiin xumuramu.
An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question. Interrogative sentences can
be direct or indirect, begin with or without pronouns, and feature yes/no
interrogatives, alternative questions, or tag questions. Interrogative sentences often
start with interrogative pronouns and end with a question mark.
- Maaliif kolfitaa?
- Why do you laugh?
- ለምን ትስቃለህ?
- Manni barumsaa kamtu caala?
- Which school is the best?
- የትኛው ትምህርት ቤት ምርጥ ነው?
- Maqaan kee eenyu?
- What is your name?
- ስምህ\ሽ ማን ነው?
Hima Ajaja ~ Command sentence
Himoonni ajajaa kan fayyadaman yeroo namni tokko nama biraa waa hojjedhu itti jedhudha.
yeroo baay’ee gocha dirqamaatiin kan jalqaban yoo ta’u, kunis ‘gocha dirqamsisaa’
beekama, sababiin isaas nama tokko waan tokko akka godhu waan ittin ajajaniif.
Command sentences are used when you are telling someone to do something. Commands usually
start with an imperative verb, also known as a ‘bossy verb’, because they tell someone
to do something.
- Gara manaa deemi!
- Go home!
- ወደቤት ሂድ!
- Irbaata kee nyaadhu!
- Eat your dinner!
- እራትህን ብላ!
- balbalicha cufi.
- Close the door.
- በሩን ዝጋ.
- Ol seeni!
- Come in!
- ግባ!
Hima raajeffannoo ~ Exclamatory sentence
Himni raajeffannoo hima miira cimaa ibsudha. Akkaataa idileetti, caaslugaa afaan oromoo
keessatti, himni
raajeffannoo mallattoo raajeffannoon xumurama.
An exclamatory sentence, also known as an exclamation sentence or an exclamative clause,
is a statement that expresses strong emotion. Typically, in English grammar, an
exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark—also called an exclamation point.
- Baga guyyaa dhaloota kee geessan, Amy!
- Happy birthday, Amy!
- መልካም ልደት ፣ ኤሚ!
- Ati carra qabeessa.
- You are lucky!
- እድለኛ ነህ/ሽ።
- Sin jibbe!
- I hate you!
- አልወድህም!
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