Instructions and Comprehension
Are you ready?
Hundii keessan….
Hundii keessan yaadan qaba.
Pay attention, everybody.
Kitaaba keessan fuula 12 banaa
Open your book to page 12.
Qubeessafi Kobbee sin barbaachisa
You need a pen and a pencil.
Waa’ee …… baranna.
We will learn about …..
Ana boodan dubbisaa.
Repeat after me.
Irra deebi’a.
Again, please.
Eenyu kan itti aanu.
Who’s next?
Do you get it?
Hordofaa jirtuu?
Are you with me?
Are you ok?
Na hordoftannii?
Do you follow me?
Hanga amma isiniif galee?
Ok so far?
Isiniif galee?
Do you understand?
Maal jette?
What did you say?
Mee al takkaa irra deebi’aa.
One more time, please.
Irra deebi’i/deebi’aa jedhi /jedhaa.
Say it again, please.
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