This application is designed to help a teacher and students to have this History Teacher Guide on his/ her mobile phone. In this way, the teacher and students don’t have worry to carry the History Grade 9th Teacher Guidebook. This app is also designed in a way to easily control all the chapters.
This app is a useful tool for students and teachers who need to have their hard-copy books in soft-copy formats. It is compatible with Android devices and can facilitate learning more about grade 9th English. It also provides access to online resources to enhance the learning experience.
All the main Contents are listed below
The Discipline of History and Human Evolution
Ancient World Civilizations up to C. 500 AD
Peoples & States in Ethiopia & the Horn to the end of 13th C.
The Middle Ages and Early Modern World C. 500 to 1750s
Peoples and States of Africa to 1500
Africa and the Outside World 1500- 1880s
States, Principalities, Population Movements and Interactions in Ethiopia, 13th to Mid-16th c.
Political, Social, and Economic Processes in Ethiopia, Mid-16th to Mid-19th c.
The Age of Revolutions, the 1750s to 1815