Believe in yourself. Be passionate
At age 17, she was rejected from college. At age 25, her mother died from disease. At age 26, she
Yoosaad Online Learning Platform
Learn as much as you can and do all you can - Learning as high as the mountains, as wide as the seas - No limits to what one still has to learn - Ars longa, vita brevis!
At age 17, she was rejected from college. At age 25, her mother died from disease. At age 26, she
↪️ Yoo akka gaariitti misoomsite daraaraa gammachuu fi gammachuutiin ni daraara. Garuu yoo tuffatte margi negaatiivii fi gadadoo bakka isaa
👉Leenjii gahumsa dhuunfaa(Personal development training ) fudhachuu Kan barbaaddan. 👉Gahumsa leenjii kanaa fudhachuun leenjisaa addunyaalessaa(international trainer) tahu Kan barbaaddan. ☑️to
⩩ “Ati hin dandeessu! Waan kanaaf gahaa miti, si mitii abaluuniyyuu ni dadhabe, Qarshii hin qabdu, hin dandeessu! Fira hin
Don’t miss this opportunity 👉Leenjii gahumsa dhuunfaa(Personal development training ) ☑️to reprogram our subconscious mind to achieve our conscious goals.
“Abdii kutannaan karaa kufaatiitti geessuIsa amansiisaadha!” Genaa Showaalter Wantonni jireenya dhalaa nama jijjiiruu danda’an hedduun galma hin ga’iin kan hafan
Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence: Personal development encourages self-reflection and introspection, enabling individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. By exploring their strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, people can develop…
2. Barnoota fi Guddina Itti Fufiinsa Qabu: Guddina dhuunfaa irratti bobba’uun beekumsa, dandeettii fi muuxannoo haaraa dammaqinaan barbaaduu jechuudha. Yaada
1.Ofitti amani(Believe yourself):•Milkaa’ina galmaan ga’uuf tarkaanfiin jalqabaa fi in duraa ofii fi dandeetti keetti amanuudha. 2.Milkaa’ina mul’isuu(Visualize success): 3.Mirkaneessitoota(Affirmations)•Sammuu kee
✪#Namicha hiyyeessa tokkotu #sangaa tokko qaba ture jireenyi itti ulfaannan sangaa isaa gabaa geessee gurguratee utuu deebi’uu mana dhugaatiitti goree